Wednesday, August 29, 2012

1st weekend in Tours

After being jetlagged and got used to the timing, it was time to get used to the weather. For only one day, I experienced the four seasons in less than 3 hours. There was sun, then clouds, then rain, then wind, back to rain and finally sun. It kept being this way the whole weekend. I discovered that I do attract rain. Every time I go outside, it rains. Just my luck. Unfortunately, I wasn’t prepared for winter climate just yet. I had to walk in the rain after having a couple of glasses of wine. Finally, found a store that sells umbrellas for cheap. Well, it wasn’t cheap, paid 10€ for it. And as soon as I come out of the store and open my umbrella, the rain stops…
On Saturday, we visited le Château de Chambord and le Château de Blois. The architecture is amazing. The Château de Chambord was huge!! There were so many chambers and stairs and doors by the dozens. My friend Rouge said the perfect quote, she said no wonder they could get away with so much adultery in their times, you could go for weeks without seeing a person who’s living in the same Château. I filmed a little bit of the Château to be part of my virtual blog. One of the problems was that I still haven’t gotten the converter just yet. So my camera was running low. I filmed and took as much pictures as I can. Then it died.
I thought the Château de Chambord was the best castle I have ever seen, till I saw the Château de Blois. OMG, whoever worked on the plans for that Château is a genius.  Well, there were multiple people because the Château is constructed in 4 different eras?? First part is Gothic, built in the 13th century, the second part is Flamboyant built during the reign of Louis the 12th, the third part is Renaissance, the construction place from 1515 to 1520 and finally the last part is classic constructed from 1635 to 1638. I know what you are thinking, boring!!! Where are the pictures? Well, by the time I went to the Château de Blois, my camera was already dead and let’s not forgets that I am forgetful and I totally forgot to bring my camera cable. So, all the footage and the pictures I have on my camera are inaccessible. Lucky me.
Sunday, it was so boring. Slept till noon, woke to a brunch where I finally had eggs and some type of meat for “breakfast”. The French don’t eat protein in the morning. It’s all carbs!! Your typical breakfast is bread, jam, butter and coffee or tea. That is supposed to last you till lunch. Me, being used to having eggs and bacon every morning for breakfast just doesn’t work. I am usually starving by 9:30. I eat breakfast at 8:15. It just doesn’t work. I have considered waking up early to go to a café and buy me a quiche or something that can last me through the day. However, I am not a morning person and I am always late to class. Back to Sunday. Everything closes on Sunday. There was no market open, no clothes store open, only a few cafés. So what do French people do on a Sunday? I will tell you in my virtual blog :P Anyways, I decided to explore Tours, which means basically me getting lost lol. I did get lost then a French garçon approached me. He wasn’t my type. Dark, tall and spoke too fast. I thought why not talk to him, at least just to practice my French. I made sure that I made it clear that I am available. When he asked me if I am single, I made up a boyfriend in England who owns a restaurant and who will come visit me in Paris and take me to Italy and England. Of course the French guy is devastated but he kept me company for a while trying to convince me to leave my boyfriend and have babies with him. Not go out with him, or become his girlfriend; no, straight out have babies with me… French guys are weird. We went to the park and when his called, he left. After a little bit, I went to the other side of the town, the ghetto part. I didn’t know exactly where I was because the streets I was on were not on my map. I had to figure it all out by myself. Walked for a 3 hours-ish then I found a flea market. I asked a nice lady how to go back to where I started and apparently it was just around the corner.
Finally made it home. I was exhausted. But of course, with my luck, I get insomnia as soon as I arrived in Tours. I have only been able to take naps and wake every 2 hours. Try to communicate in your third language while you are half asleep. C’est très difficile. However, the next day in my first day of class, I was able to understand everything even when they were speaking in the speed of light lol thanks to my French friend who I will never see ever again…

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